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Now Is The Time For You To Know Truth About SEO & How Search Engine Works

Why do we need SEO Traffic?

Organic SEO traffic is free and it generates quality leads. It will help you to offset the from paid ads and referrals.You can generate organic leads using various tools. When people want to find you, you should be discoverable. Search presence is important for getting discovered.

Traffic of the search engine is in – Bound and the quality and intent is high. Make sure content is relevant not only for the present but it should be for future 1o years. Google organic search listings get 100x more clicks than paid ads listing on search. It is difficult to rank short tail keywords, but with enough content, you can tap in to long tail keywords.

“By optimizing your online presence to cater to local searchers, you can increase visibility, drive targeted traffic, build credibility, and achieve sustainable growth.”

Vitthal Jagtap

Search Engine from user perspective :

Search engines are an evolution of yellow pages. People will search only for something which they already know exists. Amazon is also a search engine. But it has better metrics because they get searches from buyers directly -not content seekers.
A search engine need not be google. Zomato is also a search engine for restaurants. Similarly; Practo is a search engine for Doctors.
But the general idea for a search engine is a google search engine. Of Course it’s a big engine. A new product or service which does not have any awareness can’t be advertised via search engine. Search engines fulfill demands and display ads created demands.

How does search engine work:

  • As you know that there are three parties involved; Business owners, users and the search engines. You may also create a search engine for your website as well.
  • The primary purpose of a search engine is to deliver quality and relevant information to its users. It’s not just a result, it should be relevant results. Relevance is very important in results. If you are searching for restaurants and if it’s showing supermarkets then it’s not useful at all.
  • There are multiple levels of relevance. If you are searching for Kolhapuri restaurants and if its showing Punery restaurants- then it’s not still relevant.These are all reasons; Google is one of the best search engines because it shows more accurate results. Other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc . Many of the search engines are stopped due to their results only because they were not showing relevant results.
  • Relevancy includes locations, pricings ranges, subcategories and more depending on the niche and search query.
  • Second is the quality of the results.The list has to make useful decisions.
  • On-Page SEO is all about relevancy.The search engine is needed to understand what your website is about. That’s why title, Description and keywords in the content of the website are important.
  • On – page SEO is the responsibility of the webmaster as the website owner has the control over what is displayed on the webpage.
  • Off-Page SEO is all about quality.Off -page SEO is not directly under your control.Though you control it indirectly. When other websites link to your websites and if you have more backlinks then the page is considered to be more important and it will rank better. Links will happen when the quality of the website is rank a page; Backlinks are very much important.
  • How does search engine make money:

  • 1. Search engines give results free to their users.
  • 2. The results that are shown of businesses.And Business do not have control over organic listings. If a business wants to be discovered and is ready to pay a premium.
  • 3. They can advertise on the “search ads” features of the search engines. Google ads is the biggest asset from which business comes for Google. Google gets most of the revenue from Google Ads. 84% of revenue of Google comes from Google Ads.
  • 4. Creating a niche search engine can be a profitable business.
  • The search ecosystem (Platform, Business, Users)

    There are three main parts involved in the Search Ecosystem
    1. The Platform(The Search Engine)
    2. The Business that wants Customers
    3. The Customers that wants products and services from the business
  • The platform connects the customer and business and charges fees for it.
  • Usually platforms make it 100% free for one side of the ecosystem and charge to the other side of the ecosystem.
  • In most of the cases it’s free for customers and charges for the businesses.
  • Remember: Getting customers for business is the biggest business there is- That’s why do not hesitate spending money in Ads on Facebook and Google Ads.
  • Content Marketing and SEO:

  • If you understand what people want and create content for them, SEO will take care of itself.
  • On page SEO is about good user experience.
  • Off Page SEO is all about just good distribution.
  • Search engines have become smarter.
  • Just optimizing the page for keywords will not get your website ranked anymore
  • Just building backlinks will also not rank your website.Backlinks are important but you can not manipulate the search results by using backlinks alone.
  • On Page and Off Page SEO:

    On Page SEO:
  • Title Tag: The title of the website that also appears on the browsers tab
  • Meta Description: The description of the site appears in the search engine result pages
  • Header Tags: H1 and H2 tags are wrapped around the heading like blog post title and subtitle
  • Optimized images for load speed. Alt tags on images can help search engines to understand what images are all about.
  • Keywords in the contents: Write the content by keeping users in mind but make sure the search engine should know what you are writing. Don’t write just for search engines.
  • Off Page SEO:
  • Backlinks are the no.1 off-page optimisation technique that is available for website owners.
  • Google algorithm has been built on top of backlinks. The more links you have the better chances of ranking high for specific keywords.
  • Search engines also track the social media engagement on a page once it’s published. Higher the engagement higher the chances of getting ranking better.
  • Brands mentioned on multiple websites are not as effective as backlinks but they can help with SEO. Google Loves brands because brands are long term and they stick the longer.
  • A higher percentage of brand name searches can also help in SEO.
  • You may read similar blogs on my Blog Site and if your are looking for professional SEO services then please visit Avis Pixel.
